Volunteer and child 'meet-ups' - guidelines for schools and teachers

Our events are a great opportunity for the children and volunteers to say “hello” to each other outside of their weekly Chapter One reading sessions

There are two opportunities towards the beginning and end of the school year for children to meet their Chapter One Reading Volunteer:

  • The Autumn Meet and Greet (an introductory wave!) - largely virtual events
  • The Summer Reading Celebration (a chance to reflect on progress!) - in-person, as far as possible, but some might need to be virtual

Both events are a great opportunity for the children and reading volunteers to say “hello” to each other, outside of their normal Chapter One reading sessions. They are key moments which deepen the volunteer-pupil connection and celebrate a child’s reading success.

We have prepared a downloadable PDF with some guidelines for both virtual and in-person events - click below! We hope they cover the main admin and safeguarding issues for our school partners but, of course, please let your Chapter One Programme Manager know if you have any other questions.

It all starts with literacy.